Fairywood (Pittsburgh)


Neighborhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Population (1990): 2951[1]
Population (2000): 1099[1]
Area: 0.969 sq mi (2.51 km2)[1]

Fairywood is a neighborhood on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's west area. It has a zip code of 15205, and has representation on Pittsburgh City Council by the council member for District 2 (West Neighborhoods). Fairywood is home to an abandoned city housing project named Broadhead Manor. It borders the city of Pittsburgh neighborhood of Windgap and the borough of Ingram.



  1. ^ a b c Census: Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Department of City Planning. January 2006. http://www.city.pittsburgh.pa.us/cp/assets/census/2000_census_pgh_jan06.pdf. Retrieved 2007-07-19. 

Further reading

See also

External links